New & Noteworthy

September 2024 - Planned RA Construction Activities Include:

  • Work on MA-B area

    • Leachate collection system (LCS) electrical connection

    • Install cover system in office and LCS infrastructure areas

    • Continue Zone 3 and Zone 4 plantings

    • Install trash rack anchors

    • Install fence and gates

  • Work on MA-E area

    • Design and install additional streambank stabilization measures on Herring Run east of MA-E

    • Install gate

  • Work on MA-D, Redhouse Run Landfill (RRLF) and Island Landfill (ISLF) areas

    • Complete Horseshoe Pond remediation

    • Continue topsoil placement

    • LCS electrical connection

    • Complete grading plan for MA-D wedge area and begin construction

    • Continue Zone 4 and Zone 6 plantings

    • Complete upland permanent stabilization

    • Install fence and gates

August 2024 - RA Construction Activities Included:

  • Work on MA-B area

    • Maintained erosion and sedimentation controls

    • Maintained access roads

    • Completed importing and placing cover soil and topsoil, except in office and LCS infrastructure area

    • Began installing permanent roadways

    • Continued planting and watering

    • Continued installing LCS electrical and control components

  • Work on MA-E area

    • Maintained erosion and sedimentation controls

    • Completed construction of the imbricated wall along Herring Run east of MA-E

  • Work on MA-D, Redhouse Run Landfill (RRLF) and Island Landfill (ISLF) areas

    • Maintained erosion and sedimentation controls

    • Maintained access roads

    • Completed clearing and surveying of the wedge area

    • Continued importing and placing cover soil and topsoil in MA-D

    • Began backfilling Horseshoe Pond

    • Continued planting and watering

Installation of electrical system at Redhouse Run Landfill LCS

Imbricated wall along Herring Run east of MA-E

July 2024 - RA Construction Activities Included:

  • Work on MA-B area

    • Maintained erosion and sedimentation controls

    • Maintained access roads

    • Completed placement of cover soil and topsoil on consolidation area

    • Continued importing and placing cover soil and topsoil

    • Continued planting and watering

    • Completed installation of leachate collection system conduit

    • Began installing leachate system electrical components

    • BG&E installed the power pole for the leachate collection system

  • Work on MA-E area

    • Maintained erosion and sedimentation controls

  • Work on MA-D, Redhouse Run Landfill (RRLF) and Island Landfill (ISLF) areas

    • Maintained erosion and sedimentation controls

    • Maintained access roads

    • Completed RRLF operations area excavation and backfilling

    • Installed gas vent adjacent to parking lot and in MA-D

    • Installed parking lot berm and dead hedge at RRLF and MA-D

    • Continued importing and placing cover soil and topsoil in MA-D

    • Continued planting and watering

Wetland vegetation awaiting planting

Power installation at MA-B

June 2024 - RA Construction Activities Included:

  • Work on MA-B area

    • Maintained erosion and sedimentation controls

    • Maintained access roads

    • Installed remaining gas vents

    • Completed excavation and off-site disposal of S27 soil

    • Continued soil cover system construction

    • Continued planting and watering

  • Work on MA-E area

    • Maintained erosion and sedimentation controls

  • Work on MA-D, Redhouse Run Landfill (RRLF) and Island Landfill (ISLF) areas

    • Maintained erosion and sedimentation controls

    • Maintained access roads

    • Installed dead hedge at RRLF

    • Completed leachate collection trench installation

    • Completed importing topsoil in RRLF

    • Completed excavating sediment from Horseshoe Pond

    • Decommissioned the vault at MA-D

    • Continued RRLF operations area excavation and backfilling

    • Continued importing and placing cover soil in MA-D

    • Continued planting and watering

Plantings along Herring Run

Base grading at Redhouse Run Landfill

May 2024 - RA Construction Activities Included:

  • Work on MA-B area

    • Maintained erosion and sedimentation controls

    • Maintained access roads

    • Continued soil cover system construction

    • Continued planting

  • Work on MA-E area

    • Maintained erosion and sedimentation controls

    • Maintained access roads

    • Continued soil cover system construction and upland planting

    • Demobilized equipment

  • Work on MA-D, Redhouse Run Landfill (RRLF) and Island Landfill (ISLF) areas

    • Maintained erosion and sedimentation controls

    • Maintained access roads

    • Continued soil cover system construction at RRLF

    • Continued soil cover system construction at MA-D

    • Began planting along streambanks and in enhanced wetlands

    • Began Horseshoe Pond restoration

Stabilized streambank along Moores Run.

Vernal pool at MA-B

April 2024 - RA Construction Activities Included:

  • Work on MA-B area

    • Maintained erosion and sedimentation controls

    • Maintained access roads

    • Continued soil cover system construction

    • Completed vernal pool plantings

    • Completed clearing of enhanced wetland areas

  • Work on MA-E area

    • Maintained erosion and sedimentation controls

    • Maintained access roads

    • Continued soil cover system construction

    • Continued installation of geoweb/geocell on steep slopes

  • Work on MA-D, Redhouse Run Landfill (RRLF) and Island Landfill (ISLF) areas

    • Maintained erosion and sedimentation controls

    • Maintained access roads

    • Continued waste excavation and relocation

    • Continued soil cover system construction at RRLF

    • Began soil cover system construction at MA-D

Stabilized streambank along Herring Run at MA-B.

Soil cover system construction at MA-E.

March 2024 - RA Construction Activities Included:

  • Work on MA-B area

    • Maintained erosion and sedimentation controls

    • Maintained access roads

    • Continued soil cover system construction

  • Work on MA-E area

    • Maintained erosion and sedimentation controls

    • Maintained access roads

    • Conducted perimeter air monitoring

    • Continued soil cover system construction

    • Completed soil conditioning

    • Began installation of geoweb/geocell on steep slopes

  • Work on MA-D, Redhouse Run Landfill (RRLF) and Island Landfill (ISLF) areas

    • Maintained erosion and sedimentation controls

    • Maintained access roads

    • Continued waste excavation and relocation

    • Continued soil cover system construction at RRLF

Topsoil placement at MA-B.

Cover soil placement at Redhouse Run Landfill

February 2024 - RA Construction Activities Included:

  • Work on MA-B area

    • Maintained erosion and sedimentation controls

    • Maintained access roads

    • Continue soil cover system construction

    • Completed east sewer line tie-in

  • Work on MA-E area

    • Maintained erosion and sedimentation controls

    • Maintained access roads

    • Conducted perimeter air monitoring

    • Completed base grading

    • Completed streambank stabilization

    • Continued soil cover system construction

    • Began permanent plantings along stream banks

  • Work on MA-D, Redhouse Run Landfill (RRLF) and Island Landfill (ISLF) areas

    • Maintained erosion and sedimentation controls

    • Maintained access roads

    • Completed streambank stabilization

    • Conducted off-site recycling of metal debris and tires

    • Completed riffle grade control structure construction

    • Began waste excavation and relocation

    • Began soil cover system construction at RRLF

 Soil cover system construction.

Planting trees along streambank.

January 2024 - RA Construction Activities Included:

  • Work on MA-B area

    • Maintained erosion and sedimentation controls

    • Maintained access roads

    • Completed tidal channel enhancement construction

    • Completed vernal pool construction

  • Work on MA-E area

    • Maintained erosion and sedimentation controls

    • Maintained access roads

    • Completed second round of perimeter air monitoring

    • Continued streambank stabilization

    • Completed excavate of phragmites hydraulic control area

    • Completed biowall additive addition

    • Continued soil cover system construction

  • Work on MA-D, Redhouse Run Landfill (RRLF) and Island Landfill (ISLF) areas

    • Maintained erosion and sedimentation controls

    • Maintained access roads

    • Completed monitoring well decommissioning

    • Continued streambank stabilization

Natural slope layback along Moores Run seeded and stabilized with erosion control blanket.  Floodplain soils will be planted and stabilized with mulch.

Imbricated wall (right side of photo) and natural slope laybacks (left side of photo) along Redhouse Run.  Natural slope laybacks will be planted and stabilized with erosion control blanket.

December 2023 - RA Construction Activities Included:

  • Work on MA-B area

    • Continued to construct the landfill cover system and wetland area tie-ins, including topsoil placement and seeding

    • Installed gas vents

    • Stabilized disturbed areas

    • Constructed tidal channel enhancement

    • Constructed vernal pool

    • Developed monitoring and extraction wells

    • Permanent access road construction

  • Work on MA-E area

    • Cleared vegetation and constructed access roads

    • Stabilized streambank along Moore’s Run

    • Completed monitoring and recovery well installation and development

    • Completed phragmites hydraulic control area excavation and phragmites removal

    • Began injecting groundwater treatment additives

  • Work on MA-D, Redhouse Run Landfill (RRLF) and Island Landfill (ISLF) areas

    • Cleared vegetation at RRLF and MA-D

    • Constructed access roads and installed erosion and sediment controls

    • Constructed Redhouse Run ford crossing

    • Decommissioned monitoring wells

    • Constructed Redhouse Run ford crossing

    • Excavated and restored gravel parking lot

    • Stabilized Streambank areas

Topsoil placement and temporary stabilization on western lobe of MA-B.

Imbricated wall along Island Landfill.

November 2023 - RA Construction Activities Included:

  • Work on MA-B area

    • Continued to construct the landfill cover system and wetland area tie-ins, including topsoil placement and seeding

    • Excavated and restored wetland areas, continued tree and shrub plantings and began permanent seeding

    • Completed streambank stabilization along Herring Run

    • Temporary stabilization of disturbed areas

    • Tidal channel excavation

    • Monitoring and extraction well development

    • Vernal pool construction

    • Began installing permanent access roads

  • Work on MA-E area

    • Cleared vegetation and constructed access roads

    • T-10 pond restoration

    • Sampled surface waste material

    • Repaired erosion rills along I-95

    • Streambank stabilization along Moore’s Run

    • Monitoring and recovery well installation

    • Excavate phragmites hydraulic control area and phragmites removal

  • Work on MA-D, Redhouse Run Landfill (RRLF) and Island Landfill (ISLF) areas

    • Clearing at RRLF and MA-D

    • Constructed access roads and installed erosion and sediment controls

    • Monitoring well decommissioning

    • Gravel parking lot excavation

    • Streambank stabilization

Streambank stabilization at Herring Run along eastern lobe of MA-B (photograph is looking from east to west).  Soil cover system construction at MA-B is in progress on left side of photograph.  The final soil cover system will include topsoil, plantings, and mulch surface cover.­­

Excavation from Phragmites hydraulic control area east of MA-E.  Temporary access in wetlands provided by board roads. Wetlands will be restored upon construction completion.

October 2023 - RA Construction Activities Included:

  • Work on MA-B area

    • Continued to construct the landfill cover system and wetland area tie-ins

    • Excavated and restored wetland areas, began tree and shrub plantings

    • Continued streambank stabilization along Herring Run

    • Continued installation of the leachate collection trench electrical duct bank and conveyance piping

    • Temporary stabilization of disturbed areas

    • Tidal channel excavation

    • S27 area soil excavation and off-site disposal

    • Monitoring and extraction well installation

    • Vernal pool construction

    • Completed temporary bridge installation

    • Treated Phragmites

  • Work on MA-E area

    • Expanded work into this area with additional staff

    • Cleared vegetation and constructed access roads

    • Surface debris removal and waste consolidation

    • Installation of erosion and sediment controls

    • Mobilized office trailers 

    • Treated phragmites

    • Grading for cover soil placement

  • Work on MA-D, Redhouse Run Landfill (RRLF) and Island Landfill (ISLF) areas

    • Expanded work into this area

    • Temporary bridge installation

    • Clearing on ISLF and RRLF

    • Treated phragmites 

Example of topsoil placement and hydroseeding for temporary stabilization of the imported soil on the eastern lobe of MA-B

Tree and shrub planting for wetland restoration in progress between MA-B and Herring Run.  The final cover will include additional plantings and mulch surface cover.­­

September 2023 - RA Construction Activities Included:

  • Work on MA-B area

    • Constructed access roads

    • Collected surface debris for off-site recycling or consolidation under the landfill cover system

    • Continued to construct the landfill cover system and wetland area tie-ins

    • Continued streambank stabilization along Herring Run

    • Continued installation of the leachate collection trench electrical duct bank and conveyance piping

    • Continued to install temporary bridges

    • Completed “tire pond” restoration

    • Treated Phragmites

  • Work on MA-E area

    • Initiated mobilization

    • Cleared vegetation and constructed access roads

    • Installation of erosion and sediment controls

Soil cover system construction and excavation and restoration of wetlands in MA-B area.

Temporary bridge from MA-B to Island Landfill under construction.

August 2023 - RA Construction Activities at MA-B Included:

  • Constructed access roads

  • Collected surface debris for off-site recycling or consolidation under the landfill cover system

  • Continued to construct the landfill cover system

  • Cleared tree/vegetation in the wetland areas and along the Herring Run

  • Began streambank stabilization along Herring Run

  • Completed installation of the leachate collection trench

  • Began installation of the leachate collection trench electrical duct bank and conveyance piping

  • Continued to install the temporary bridge piles and abutments

  • Treated Phragmites in MA-A, MA-B and MA-D

Concrete abutment on south bank of Herring Run for temporary bridge from MA-B to Island Landfill.

Stream bank stabilization along Herring Run

July 2023 - RA Construction Activities at MA-B Included:

• Clearing trees and underbrush and installation of erosion and sediment controls (e.g., silt fence) in the interior of MA-B

• Decommissioning of monitoring wells installed during previous site investigations

• Constructing access road within MA-B

• Collecting surface debris and sending it off-site for recycling, or placing it in the consolidation area for inclusion under the landfill cover in compliance with the project plans

• Grading to prepare the landfill area for soil cover system construction

• Placing cover soil over the landfill area

• Installing the leachate collection trench

• Installing temporary bridge abutments

Aerial photo MA-B landfill early July 2023.

Photo of soil cover being placed atop MA-B landfill.

June 2023 - MA-A and MA-B Update

Site preparation work continued at MA-A and MA-B. Workers also collected surface debris and began grading at MA-B to prepare the ground surface for soil cover system construction.

May 2023 - Cleanup Work Begins

Site preparation work at MA-A and MA-B began which included clearing trees and understory vegetation as well as installation of temporary work trailers, access roads, and erosion and sediment controls. The tree and vegetation clearing work is supervised by a biologist, and the cleared vegetation will be restored with native plant species once remediation is complete.